I can't tell you how many times I have tried to write this blog. Or how many blogs I have written and not published this last year. 2020 has been a tough one. I still remember writing the new year blog and it feeling ominous. I did my best to bring a lightness to it, but it had me worried for the upcoming year. Needless to say, my sense of foreboding was on the mark, but was it a bad year?
2020 gave us the opportunities to see all that was under the surface, pull us out of our denial, and watch the dismantling of our social norms and structures that are outdated and haven't been working for some time now. Personally and globally, we experienced a revolution. So many people I know, as well as myself, had huge growth and perspective shifts. We finally stopped making excuses and created the boundaries we needed. We let go of the need to be busy or perfect or hustle or whatever was distracting us and instead focused on what we truly valued. We invested in the things and people and experiences that really mattered most to us. I think we are still in this process, and that leads me to the next year. First let me say, 2020 was a hard and intense year, but it was not necessarily bad.
2021, as it is being shown to me, is not a magic wand that wipes the slate clean. The big consciousness shift we have been in is tumbling down after it's crescendo. This means busting apart old ways of being and structures and setting new ones. That's a lot of what 2020 was, but there is still more to come. Mostly, the conflict will come from those that want to go back to the old ways of being. Those who want to “get back to normal.” Anyone who has had any kind of spiritual awakening can tell you, you can't go back. That's what is happening to Humanity. The mass consciousness is having a spiritual awakening.
If you have been through this, then you know it's not all bright light and fuzzy feelings. When you have a spiritual awakening, you have to face all your demons. You have to come out of your denial and look at all the ways you were toxic. You have to dismantle all the relationships and ways of being that were making you spiritually sick. So now, we have a mass consciousness doing this in many ways on a mass level, and it is chaotic and ugly and hard, but it will also be beautiful.
I will say, I believe 2020 was our “dark night of the soul” time and we are moving more into a revelation and action time. Enough of me and my interpretations, here is what the Fairies have to say:
Dear ones, you have been through so much and many of you are feeling lost or like giving up. The road ahead is not easy, but it is so fulfilling. What Elizabeth has said is true, but there is a positive she has forgotten. The energy has shifted and the flow is easier. What does this mean? Well, if you had a pool of water and you had a current flowing in one direction in a circle around the edge and you tried to walk against it, it would feel very hard. If you kept walking against the current and more people joined you, it would start feeling chaotic. It would splash and peak and have mini waves. Then eventually, if you all kept going, the current would reverse and follow you. This is what the energy on Earth has been like. 2021 is when it starts shifting from the chaos to the new direction. It will feel slow at first but have less resistance than before. Eventually, it will be carrying you along with it and you won't have to force your way anymore. Let what needs to fall away, fall away. Let what needs to be revealed still, be revealed. This year will still feel like work. It will not be smooth. But you have enough momentum going in the right direction that you can trust what you are building to eventually carry you.
Use this year wisely. It will still feel slow, especially the rest of winter and spring. It may not be till fall that you will feel like you are making any movement forward. Don't fight it. Rest when you need to. Go slowly and methodically. Take the time to make your plans, iron out your details, and make sure you are really ready before taking the next step. There is nothing to rush to. The world you thought would be doesn't exist. The new reality is still being created. Trying to rush there will just lead to disappointment and waiting. In which case, you will still have the time to rest and plan.
How do you plan for a new reality? You create it! We invite you to plan differently for 2021. Instead of your normal goals or resolutions, play a new game. What world are you wanting to create? List some of those aspects. What social norms do you want to get rid of? Write those down and burn them—the list, that is. Actively dismantle the ways you limit yourself and others. Dig in and find what fulfills you the most. It could be keeping your 9-5 to have the stability for your family and being able to spend time with them doing fun things. It might be doing a job that doesn't seem like much to others, or pay well, but doesn't fill your life with stress. It might be starting your dream business or following your art. It doesn't matter if it adds greatly to society or not. It does matter if it adds to your peace or not. Create, plan, actively pursue your peace, no matter what others have to say about it. You are the one living your life, not them.
We wish humanity great ease with this rebirth and bless each of you with clarity, peace, and the ability to see the truth in your heart and soul. We invite you to be brave and live your life pursuing joy and peace and have patience through this year. We promise you a magical end is in sight. The more you plan and steadily move through this year, the more magical 2022 will be for you.