Hello Humanity,
It's been a little crazy. 2020 has been quite a year so far. I have been reflecting on the fact that the Fairies have talked about the mass shift manifesting in the physical for multiple years now. Here we are in the middle of that experience. Politically, physically, and financially, our world is imploding. This doesn't have to be fearful. The Tower card comes in the middle of the major arcana because it is the middle of the story that brings change. We are in the time of change. As the wheel of life completes cycles, occasionally, we have to go through mass change. If you want a real hindsight is 20/20 moment, go back and read my post about the year from The Fairies. It's the blog post right before this one.
In the last few days, I have had a re-occurring phrase pop in my head. It is a message the Fairies gave me years ago (probably a decade ago). “Nature always wins.” They went on to explain that nature always finds balance. Drag a tire out in the forest. In one year, that tire will be a part of the forest. What we are experiencing right now is nature finding balance. I don't want to make light of a very serious situation or downplay a situation where people have lost their lives. I just want to give a perspective that might help bring some peace to people.
When I checked in with the Fairies, I asked about the growth of this virus. They told me that the US (where I live) has not hit its peak yet, and worldwide, this virus has not hit its peak yet. It will hit a peak and it will decline. That is nature. A natural ebb and flow like the ocean. Here is the message The Fairies wanted to share:
Humanity has been in the process of shifting. Internal shifting of the mass consciousness is now having its outwardly manifestation. Your society has held back the progress of Humanity. Society has to be broken down and rebuilt to support your evolution. Your Earth is healing, including its many beings on it, both animal and vegetable. Earth is headed to a great pause, many of you are already experiencing the start of this pause. Your systems around money, jobs, and how Humans treat each other has to change. You are experiencing their breaking point. How Humans live day to day has to change. You are being given the space to redefine yourself and your way of being. Do not give into fear or give up hope. You are all laboring yourselves into rebirth. When a woman is in labor, they hit a point of complete surrender that feels like a moment of giving up. It is giving up. It is giving up the idea that you are in control and surrendering to the greater energy you are a part of. Humanity is surrendering right now. Breathe deep into this contraction and feel the intensity. That intensity has power that you can harness. Allow this experience to move through you and make you stronger.
We know the deaths are saddening to many of you. There are many who are choosing to help Humanity from the other side. It doesn't make it any easier to see loved ones and neighbors get sick and possibly die. We hope the idea of being a part of a greater energy that keeps you all connected even after beings have left the physical brings some of you peace. Just know those beings are helping Humanity in this transition, even if all you feel is the loss. Plus, it is okay to feel the loss. Loss and grief are a part of Human life. Allow the pain to help you dig deeper into gratitude for what you still have. Allow the heartache to make you love deeper. It does not need to create a hole in you; it can just deepen the depth at which you experience life.
There will be many trials and troubles through this shift. Your faith is not being tested, but you will have opportunities to strengthen it. Trust that this shift is bringing balance to Humanity and all will be safer after it. Let go of the way things used to be because you can never go back to that normal. You can only move forward into the new life you are creating. By May/June, all will be much clearer on how to move forward. Till then, there will be struggle as the old way fights to survive. The more you can relax into the process and help others do the same, the less struggle you will experience. We look forward to celebrating your rebirth on the other side of this experience.
-The Fairies