A Year of Messages

This week is the end of 2019! I will have a New Year message for you, but I wanted to take this time as we all reflect on the last year and the last decade to look back at the roller-coaster of energy we all just rode. Below, I have all the Fairy Messages from 2019. It was a powerful experience for me to look back at what they said and think about my own journey. Often, I thought I knew what the month's message meant at the beginning of the month and would be surprised by the end. The Fairies were on point for every month for me. How about you?


This year will be an opening of the eyes. The chaos of the last two years will start to make sense. Spend January releasing and grieving. Grieve the end of your victim-hood. Grieve the end of your old way of being. Grieve the relationships you had to let go of and the fantasy you had about the future. 2019 has no room for these.

This year is about tending to the garden and then harvesting. This is a year of action and less struggle. You planted the seeds and now the sprouts are emerging from the dark. You will need patience because the harvest doesn't really come till the end of the year. You have been energetically pushing against a heavy cloud for the last couple years. That cloud lifts in the spring and you start to feel the ease. Especially if you did the inner work in 2018. You will have things magically coming together. You will still be working hard in 2019, but it will produce more results than before.

Again, the word for the year is action. You must take action on your dreams and goals. The Universe will bring forward more manifestations for you. Amazing breakthroughs that you never even dreamed possible will happen. Stay open to the possibilities while you stay present.

Approach this year with curiosity. You may have goals and ideas about where you are headed but you will be surprised at how this expands your awareness and your knowing of self. Last year was about inner expansion. Clearing out the old within to be more centered. This year is about expanding that knowing into the physical world and expanding your perception as well as the perception of you.


Humanity likes to connect this month with love, which is perfect for this year. You will open your heart and experience deep love, especially for yourself. It is time to stop wearing the costume of other's opinions and stories about you. It is time to return the hurt you have been carrying for someone else thinking it was your own. It is time to forgive the pain you experienced, which is just an echo of pain from the past of those you think hurt you. When you Humans talk about self-love and self-care, you hear a lot about boundaries and saying no. These are good things, but that is just reacting to others. It is time to stop reacting to others feelings and actions and instead deeply love yourself no matter what. It doesn't matter if someone else has found value in you, you need to value your life energy. It doesn't matter if others like you, respect you, or judge you. You need to respect yourself and stop judging every little thing you do. Your power comes from self-love. Stop trying to be right for everyone else around you. Instead, feel that you are alright, right now. No one can take that away from you. You can only give that away. Love the Divine being that is you so you can overflow with it and then share it with the world. Be love. Build that fire in your belly because it’s about time you let it fuel you and move you forward.


March can be a mischievous trickster. It will have you twisting and turning through a maze of experiences, but it is actually releasing you from old programming which you have been trapped in. Do not react, but instead let it unfold. What may seem devastating at one moment will be your greatest gift. There will be a lot of transition Universally on the Earth plane. Deaths, births, shifts in power, and unexpected events. These will come from a place of Truth being revealed and layers being released. You will experience grief and relief. You will experience confusion and joy. The sun will be shining down on humanity and illuminating all that has been in secret, hiding, and shrouded by pain or denial. Keep pulling back the veil to see the truth that lives in your heart. By the end of the month, you may be dizzy from the twist and turns and need to just stop and take in your new surroundings. Please know, whatever you release, or whatever falls away, no longer serves you or your path. Your destiny is waiting.


Be the Fool! Naiveté does not make you stupid. Do not be so wise that you miss the opportunities because you think you know better. Your overthinking, over analyzing brain has you convinced you know all the options and see all the paths forward. April reveals a path you never thought possible or you couldn't even imagine. When you see it, do not hesitate. You may feel unworthy, or not trusting, or think it is a trick. Stay open, be the fool, and follow the guidance you are receiving. This all leads you to an amazing experience and it expands your consciousness again. God/Source/The One/Universe is carrying you forward. Allow yourself to be carried. There is no need to struggle. You can thumb wrestle The One all you want, but it won't stop the path; it will just make you more tired when you arrive. Let April bring you adventure of the best and most rewarding kind.”


April showers bring May flowers, we hear Humans say. It is very true for this year. April may have been full of tears, facing pain, foreboding news, or mass change. All of these could by represented by storm clouds. You can perceive this as gloomy or you can see the positives to rain. It cleanses and clears everything it touches. Rain replenishes and soaks what has been stale. Rain is when the clouds take so much on they can no longer carry and they hit their breaking point. Rain is break through and surrender.

So what comes after the rain? Rainbows and flowers? Maybe. For some of you, it was the last bit needed to clear the path and move you forward. May will be gentle for those that are in this space. It may even feel a little stagnant or slow moving, but trust Divine timing. It can be a good month to plan fun things and find your joy. Like picking flowers, choose what looks the most beautiful to you.

For others, May is going to be the sun bursting through and a few more lessons to clear the path. May will not have the same intensity as April, but it has similar energies to manage. The more you can release any denial, or open to seeing what really is your reality now, the easier it will be to see what you’re moving towards.

Either way, May brings growth that you can see manifest in your physical reality. It is no longer the seed in the Earth trying to break the surface. This growth is about feeling. Trusting those feelings and trusting that those feelings will lead you to your truth. Seek the sunny warmth of joy, but don't pretend it's somewhere it's not. Open to releasing the pain and sorrow, but don't wallow thinking it is all you deserve. Allow your feelings to flow and bring you wisdom and intuitive insight. Find peace in your ever-changing inner landscape.


June will allow you to breathe. It's not necessarily restful, but the high intensity dissipates and you have more focus and clarity about whatever busy work you are doing. There is fun, new connections, and new adventures to explore. You prepared the ground, planted the seeds, and now it's time to weed and water. That's June. You will find some sprouts. You will even have some fruits of last year's labors appear, as if out of thin air. June is about putting one foot in front of the other each day. You won't be blocked or feel lost and that lets you peacefully work. You will have some time to rest, but even then your energy will be working to create. June asks you to be the Magician! Create, conjure, find your magic, and play. It will hardly feel like work when you dive into the passions that feed your soul. The time is ripe with possibilities. Go grab them.


July brings a bit of excitement. New ideas and new opportunities as well as lots of shifting and changes. When all is said and done, you will feel like the deck of your life was shuffled sufficiently. This may sound scary or exhausting, but it is not. All you need to do is show up and be present. The energies are working all around you. It will be clear what steps to take when. Just do them. Where the last six months have felt like swimming through murky water full of clutter, the next six are a fast stream flowing towards the sea. You just have to relax into the current. It doesn't mean calm waters, but rapids can be relaxing with the right mind set.


August burns with clarity. Let yourself open to bigger possibilities than you thought possible. Your path is opening. July brought you all the truth you need to see. Many of you made the changes you needed to make. You will have the room to breathe that you have been asking for. A strong fresh wind will blow through the planet and it brings with it swift movement. Struggle will fall away and you will see the missing pieces and how to make them go into place. Harvest is beginning, still most fruits need a little more time to be fully ripe. By the end of the month, you will feel like you are standing on solid ground. Many of you have felt tossed and thrown in the earthquakes running through your life. You feel as if you are fighting tornadoes and bracing against tidal waves. Now you will hear the stillness of nature and see all the beauty that was brought to the surface by the chaos. Enjoy the still moments. Let them soak into your bones and replenish your magic.


The rest of 2019 is building to the shift of January 2020. Really, you can say everything till this point has, but especially the next few months. For some, this will be the breakthrough point. For others, it will be the breaking point. It is a time when your mass consciousness shifts from an old paradigm to a new. It is when the old systems and ways of being on Earth and ways of operating that have all been limping along and grasping at straws to keep afloat will finally sink. You can see rewards already for those of you deciding to do it differently, but know that all you are doing now is truly set up for the beginning of 2020. This is your month to claim it. September brings opportunities, support, possibilities you hadn’t thought of, and some clear steps forward. Stay open to all the possibilities. Nothing should have to be a struggle. Allow the natural flow of your life to surface.


Humanity seems to be divided into two groups right now. Those that have felt battered by this year and want it all to just stop for a bit and those that are treading the surface and looking for where land is. Both groups are ready to rest. You will have moments this month for rest, fun, and peace, but not a lot. It’s about to get very interesting on the Earth over the next few months. The truth and clarity has been brought to the surface for all who wish to look at it. Both in your personal life and on the world stage, you will see the battle of denial over acceptance. Many describe what is happening as fear versus love, and there is some truth to that, but the actual battle is denial versus acceptance.

Denial will lead you to fear. Acceptance will lead you to love. But when Humans look at their choices, or are faced with a challenge, or must look at their wounds, they are not choosing fear or love; they are choosing to deny all that they see or accept it. Acceptance leads to love, to being present, and to being at peace. Acceptance allows you to step from the power struggle. There is nothing to prove or get others to understand if you are in acceptance.

The state of acceptance is fertile soil to plant your creative ideas. Acceptance opens you to the flow of the Universe and all possibilities. Acceptance means you are no longer trying to force an agenda and so you can see where your path is leading you. Acceptance allows you to make choices that slightly alter your direction and put you exactly where your soul needs to be. It opens you so the energy and flow through you so you can manifest your ideas into reality.


Are they fireworks or bombs exploding? Is it an earthquake or a gentle shifting into place? Is everything falling apart or is everything falling into place? It’s all about perspective this month. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Look for the treasures. Try to see the blessings in what feels challenging. It is like the Universe’s patience has worn thin and there is a push to move everything along. The truth is, it is all about Divine timing. Trust it is all happening how and when it should be happening. Open to the possibilities without getting bogged down in the details. On the world stage, the mass consciousness is shifting and there will be a lot of truth revealed. Things that have remained hidden will be seen. This can feel scary and make people feel unsure. It is important to know that, again, this is Divine timing. Trust the process of truth being revealed in your own life as well as on the world stage.


The cold is crisp and clear, it heightens the senses. December brings a heightened awareness. A knowing that's akin to tasting the air, seeing heat, or hearing light. It's an experience on a whole different level. The experience may seem the same on the outside. Other people may look at it and think it is how it has always been, but you have never been open to it in this new way. What is it? That will be different for everyone. It is the key to your next journey. As the cycle comes to a close, the year ends, and the energies settle in, you will get the key. You already have the clarity and have made your choice, it just hasn't manifested in the physical yet. The key lights the way.

Though the harvest should have passed, this month will actually be a big harvest for many. All the effort and hard work of the last year pays off. Things you have been working towards and felt like were not moving will finally fall into place. Acceptance is a big part of all of this. Acceptance is the key to moving forward. If you want to work with this energy more consciously, ask yourself in every struggle, what am I not accepting in this situation? Acceptance doesn't mean you decide everything is okay and won't change, it just means you stop struggling with the reality you are in.

December Monthly Message

What a ride this year has been, huh? I never thought I would experience such an intense year. I hope that every experience has made you more kind and more grateful, as well as deepened your faith, whatever it may be. Here we are in the final month with the final Monthly Message. At the end of this month, I will be posting a blog with every Monthly Message and some interesting side notes for each one. For now, here is the Monthly Message for December:

The cold is crisp and clear, it heightens the senses. December brings a heightened awareness. A knowing that's akin to tasting the air, seeing heat, or hearing light. It's an experience on a whole different level. The experience may seem the same on the outside. Other people may look at it and think it is how it has always been, but you have never been open to it in this new way. What is it? That will be different for everyone. It is the key to your next journey. As the cycle comes to a close, the year ends, and the energies settle in, you will get the key. You already have the clarity and have made your choice—it just hasn't manifested in the physical yet. The key lights the way.

Though the harvest should have passed, this month will actually be a big harvest for many. All the effort and hard work of the last year pays off. Things you have been working towards and felt like were not moving will finally fall into place. Acceptance is a big part of all of this. Acceptance is the key to moving forward. If you want to work with this energy more consciously, ask yourself in every struggle, what am I not accepting in this situation? Acceptance doesn't mean you decide everything is okay and won't change, it just means you stop struggling with the reality you are in.

-The Fairies


Today is 11/11. The powerful manifesting day. Manifestation is thrown around a lot and there are many views on how and why it works or doesn't. There is often this perspective that you are creating something from nothing or filling a void. That's not how I see it. For me, it's about transmuting energy from one place to another or from one thing to another, and this is done on an emotional level. Energy is constant; nothing is ever fully destroyed or created to or from nothing. So, when you are manifesting, you are calling energy in or taking old energy out and shifting it. This is possible through emotions and thought.

The thought is the last part; it is the witnessing. We create by witnessing. Healers heal by witnessing the change and that witnessing creates it in our reality. So, manifesting with thought is witnessing what you want to create and bringing it forward in this reality. Witnessing is validation. So, it is good to have positive thought and think what you want to create, but that works best when your emotional self is in alignment.

The Fairies talk about how we create from what we feel, not what we think. This is seen as, I feel like I lack, so I create lack in my life. It can manifest that way, but what if you were not in conflict and judgment about lack? What if you were at peace with what something was? It is our emotional attachment to an experience that makes it recreate in our lives. This emotional attachment looks like conflict, power struggle, and the inability to let go. This can be internal, but it also can be acted out in our life and relationships. Our emotional attachments can be so strong that we take them on as identities. “I'm no good with money.” “I'm stupid.” “I push everyone away.” These are phrases that show emotional attachment to an experience that will keep recreating itself to validate your reality. To put it another way, you experience something where the feeling is so strong that you become emotionally attached and continue to witness it into your reality. So, even when you try to change your thoughts, you think “I am abundant,” but you feel like that is a lie. That feeling is so strong, you are witnessing your thought as a lie.

So yes, over time, positive thought can help change the emotion and the witnessing. Another way is to address the feeling and acknowledge that it is just a feeling and doesn't have to be your truth. Accepting that the past was true then or the current feelings are true now but that doesn't mean it has to continue to be true helps release the attachment or need for validation. Each day is a new day and you need to open to the possibilities. Just letting go of a need to know the outcome or thinking you know the outcome can bring change. This is why I think it is better to open up yourself to not knowing the outcome. If you can't believe you can have $500 show up (for an example, this could be a new love or job or whatever else you are trying to manifest), and when you say it, you feel like it is a lie, and all it does is bring up guilt, shame, or feelings of lack, then you are going to struggle with manifesting it. If you can say, “I don't know how money is going to come into my life or how much, but I am open to having more money,” you are side-stepping the emotional attachment. I understand why many people talk about being specific in their manifesting, but honestly, I see that hurt and block more than it helps. It also, to me, speaks to a level of not trusting the Universe/God.

If you have faith in any kind of high power (within or outside of you), then you need to trust that it is always bringing you your highest and best. I didn't say your most joyous or most comfortable, just your highest and best. You also have to accept that you will not always know the reasons why or understand how a situation that is painful is your highest and best. Again, we are talking about detachment. To me, detachment means you let go of trying to understand, control, or be invested in any outcome. You open to experience the present moment and allow the moment or path to unfold.

How I would suggest you manifest is explore the feeling you are longing for. Maybe what you think is money is really safety or stability. Maybe what you think is a new relationship is really being supported or seen or just loved. Think about the feeling and start opening to that. Take your focus to the feeling instead of the how. This, again, side-steps the emotional blocks you have about what you think you are lacking and frees the Universe to bring you what you want in any way you can receive now. Then, it will open you to more and more of that as you become more and more comfortable in that experience.

November Monthly Message

The Fairies’ message is all about perspective this month. I find the best way to keep a clear perspective is to focus on gratitude. I invited the fairy followers who subscribe to my weekly Fairy Guidance Newsletter (you can find out more about that here) to make a gratitude list and then make a list of an act to express gratitude for each thing on the list. My goal is to express gratitude each day of the month of November. When I am expressing gratitude, it shifts my perspective away from lack or self-serving acts to abundance and acts of service. I would love to encourage each of you to do the same. Here is what the Fairies have to say about November:

Are they fireworks or bombs exploding? Is it an earthquake or a gentle shifting into place? Is everything falling apart or is everything falling into place? It’s all about perspective this month. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Look for the treasures. Try to see the blessings in what feels challenging. It is like the Universe’s patience has worn thin and there is a push to move everything along. The truth is, it is all about Divine timing. Trust it is all happening how and when it should be happening. Open to the possibilities without getting bogged down in the details. On the world stage, the mass consciousness is shifting and there will be a lot of truth revealed. Things that have remained hidden will be seen. This can feel scary and make people feel unsure. It is important to know that, again, this is Divine timing. Trust the process of truth being revealed in your own life as well as on the world stage.

-The Fairies


I also want to give a quick update on the fundraiser for the woman’s shelter I did in October. We got halfway to our goal, but I was able to shift things around and add a little more money to create 24 Blessings bags! That’s just one short of our goal! Each Blessing bag will have either a Lacquer Strip or a Big fat Yummy Hand Cream in it, not both, but they will have all the other supplies. Thank You to all who donated! I will be dropping those off as soon as everything we have ordered arrives!

Blessing Bags for Natasha

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. I have partnered with FADV (Fight Against Domestic Violence) in the past and it has always been a movement I strongly believe in. This year, however, it has even more importance. My cousin was killed back in January by her ex during a child exchange. This was both devastating and shocking. I wanted to do something in my cousin’s memory.

I am doing a fundraiser to create Blessing Bags fro Marjie’s House (a local woman’s shelter) and also to donate money to FADV. I have partnered with a good friend, Laura who is a Posh consultant, so we can provide the best products possible for our blessing bags.

Marjie’s House is a joint project of the Housing Authority of Island County, the Opportunity Council and CADA. Located in Oak Harbor, WA. FADV generates resources for domestic violence service providers through corporate, individual, and community partnerships.

You have multiple options to help out:

$25 provides one blessing bag.

A bag full of personal care products delivered to Marjie’s House. It will include a Lacquer Strip set and a Big Fat Yummy Hand Cream, as well as grooming tools, dental care, and other items to bring comfort to a shelter resident.

$35 provides one blessing bag and either a Lacquer Strip or BFYHC for you

Not only will you provide a blessing to someone else you get a random Lacquer Strip OR Big Fat Yummy Hand Cream mailed to you with our thanks.

$45 provides one blessing bag and a Lacquer Strip and BFYHC plus a bonus gift for you

 Not only will you provide a blessing to someone else you get a random Lacquer Strip AND Big Fat Yummy Hand Cream, plus a bonus gift mailed to you with our thanks.

You can also donate a random amount of money to help our fundraiser. All funds will be used to provide as many blessing bags as possible. We will be donating any additional money as well as part of our commissions to FADV. Below you can find the Donate button for the Blessing Bags, and the links to our BeneYOU and Posh sites where you can order and commissions will go to FADV.

Links have been removed since the fundraiser is over.

October Monthly Message

If this month had a tarot card, it would be The Magician. Empowerment and creation are the focus. Be aware that this means you are also facing the flip side of the coin—victimization and destruction. When I say empowerment, I do not mean oppression over others. That being said, when you stand in your power, those that don’t like you focusing on you may try to blame you for their own misery. If you have spent time and energy supporting them and are now going to spend your time and energy on yourself, they will have trouble with that. Some people may act fine and then create chaos to get your attention and focus. Also, to create the new, you have to tear down the old. In some places, it might be just some adjustments, and in others, it might be a burn-it-down-and-build-something-new-in-its-place. Most of you have already been planting seeds and laying foundation, but it feels like you are moving through molasses to try and get any traction. Now, the flood gates are open and the flow begins. Things will almost magically fall into place and you can move forward in ease. Some of you have been running from the destiny that is calling you. It’s about to catch up with you. Here’s what the Fairies have to say:

Humanity seems to be divided into two groups right now. Those that have felt battered by this year and want it all to just stop for a bit and those that are treading the surface and looking for where land is. Both groups are ready to rest. You will have moments this month for rest, fun, and peace, but not a lot. It’s about to get very interesting on the Earth over the next few months. The truth and clarity has been brought to the surface for all who wish to look at it. Both in your personal life and on the world stage, you will see the battle of denial over acceptance. Many describe what is happening as fear versus love, and there is some truth to that, but the actual battle is denial versus acceptance.

Denial will lead you to fear. Acceptance will lead you to love. But when Humans look at their choices, or are faced with a challenge, or must look at their wounds, they are not choosing fear or love; they are choosing to deny all that they see or accept it. Acceptance leads to love, to being present, and to being at peace. Acceptance allows you to step from the power struggle. There is nothing to prove or get others to understand if you are in acceptance.

The state of acceptance is fertile soil to plant your creative ideas. Acceptance opens you to the flow of the Universe and all possibilities. Acceptance means you are no longer trying to force an agenda and so you can see where your path is leading you. Acceptance allows you to make choices that slightly alter your direction and put you exactly where your soul needs to be. It opens you so the energy and flow through you so you can manifest your ideas into reality.

-The Fairies

September Monthly Message

Well I am late on the September Message, but I’m sure you all could use the info still. August was quite the month. Clarity and movement seemed to be highlights for many. September will be interesting. Still feel the energy of chaos swirling through, but if you have done the work of the last few months, you will experience it more as happening around you to others or you will just be able to handle it better than before. The chaos will not set off internal chaos, but instead help you find your focus and commit stronger to your path. Here is what the Fairies have to say:

The rest of 2019 is building to the shift of January 2020. Really, you can say everything till this point has, but especially the next few months. For some, this will be the breakthrough point. For others, it will be the breaking point. It is a time when your mass consciousness shifts from an old paradigm to a new. It is when the old systems and ways of being on Earth and ways of operating that have all been limping along and grasping at straws to keep afloat will finally sink. You can see rewards already for those of you deciding to do it differently, but know that all you are doing now is truly set up for the beginning of 2020. This is your month to claim it. September brings opportunities, support, possibilities you hadn’t thought of, and some clear steps forward. Stay open to all the possibilities. Nothing should have to be a struggle. Allow the natural flow of your life to surface.

The Fairies

August Monthly Message

If July was the shuffling of the deck, then August is the dealing of the cards. You just need to take a good look at your hand. All your options will be clear by mid to late month. The first half of the month is tying up loose ends and completing the work of the eclipse and retrogrades. The last half is the choice point. You will no longer be able to waiver. It will be time to make a choice. You have been preparing for this choice and have actually set the energy in motion for the last few months. You will be clear and know exactly what you need to do. It will be easy to see what needs to be done, but not easy to take the step. Many of you already see and know the way the energy is moving you. Stay open and willing to see all that is being revealed to you. As we step out of the shadow of the eclipse and the retrogrades, all the truth is coming to light. Here is what the Fairies have to say:

August burns with clarity. Let yourself open to bigger possibilities than you thought possible. Your path is opening. July brought you all the truth you need to see. Many of you made the changes you needed to make. You will have the room to breathe that you have been asking for. A strong fresh wind will blow through the planet and it brings with it swift movement. Struggle will fall away and you will see the missing pieces and how to make them go into place. Harvest is beginning, still most fruits need a little more time to be fully ripe. By the end of the month, you will feel like you are standing on solid ground. Many of you have felt tossed and thrown in the earthquakes running through your life. You feel as if you are fighting tornadoes and bracing against tidal waves. Now you will hear the stillness of nature and see all the beauty that was brought to the surface by the chaos. Enjoy the still moments. Let them soak into your bones and replenish your magic.

-The Fairies

Riding the Rapids

Since I seem to be having the same conversation with clients, friends, and family, I thought that I might need to put this info into a blog for all those that may need it. We are in the middle of a lot of powerful astrological energies. Eclipses and retrogrades are all about the shadow side of things, meaning the things we don't want to look at, old patterns and dynamics that we need to revisit and let go of completely, and all the loose ends that need to be tied or the things that we were clinging to that need to be released before we move on to our next phase. This month, that focus seems to be on relationships.

So many couples fighting or splitting up, friendships falling apart, new relationships that trigger our fears, and old relationships (friends or lovers) coming back to be revisited. Really, the core is old dynamics. Do we want to repeat them or do we want to break out of them? You can sit and focus, blame, or resent the other person, but you are better off looking at yourself.

Our relationships reflect our inner world. If you are feeling disrespected, where are you disrespecting yourself? If you are feeling not heard, where are you not listening to yourself? If you are feeling abandoned or alone, where are you ignoring your own needs? Others should still be held accountable for their actions, and boundaries probably need to be made in some places, but you will find peace and healing the more you can focus back on yourself.

On the flip side of this, it is a time when true intimacy and connection can take place. Those that are operating from the same place as you will connect in new ways. New people will pop into your life and it will be like a missing piece falling into place. You will have the opportunity to feel truly seen, heard, and loved as long as you can get your head out of the way and be open and vulnerable enough to allow it.

No matter what, this time is going to push you forward and shake things up (sometimes literally, physically with natural disasters). The Fairies talked about this month being like riding white river rapids in the monthly message (read here). It's fast, intense, tumultuous, and can be scary or fun depending on how you want to look at it. You might be clinging to a boat that is carrying you down. You might feel like you got bucked from the boat and are being carried down. Either way, you will end up at the bottom of the river and make it out to sea.

If you find you are really struggling with this energy you might benefit from a Shadow Eclipse Reading. They can be found in the Store section as well as other services.

Fairy Message for July

2019 is racing past in my mind. Can you believe it is already July?! I will continue with the monthly messages from the Fairies. I remember when I was looking at the overall energy of the year, July was a peak of an energy spike. It was kind of like ultimate clarity about the twists and turns of the year so far. This is also eclipse season with two eclipses in the first part of July. An eclipse give us the opportunity to look at the shadow side of ourselves and our relationships. This doesn't mean bad, just what has been hidden, or we are in denial of, comes to light. There’s a mass consciousness shift happening that I am observing on a large scale in our society. People are releasing the need for more material things and embracing the experiences as a measure of success. The need to create, express, and become driven by passions is at an all-time high. July seems to be the high point of that arc. This means whatever you have still been holding onto that you think is keeping you safe will be challenged. It's time to let go and surrender deeper to your authentic self. Not everyone in your life will be resonating with you at this level. That is okay. They are not lesser or unawakened, just engaging in a different experience. Their soul path is leading them somewhere else. Again, it's about surrendering and letting go of expectation. Here is what the Fairies have to say:

July brings a bit of excitement. New ideas and new opportunities as well as lots of shifting and changes. When all is said and done, you will feel like the deck of your life was shuffled sufficiently. This may sound scary or exhausting, but it is not. All you need to do is show up and be present. The energies are working all around you. It will be clear what steps to take when. Just do them. Where the last six months have felt like swimming through murky water full of clutter, the next six are a fast stream flowing towards the sea. You just have to relax into the current. It doesn't mean calm waters, but rapids can be relaxing with the right mind set.

-The Fairies