Fairy Message for July

2019 is racing past in my mind. Can you believe it is already July?! I will continue with the monthly messages from the Fairies. I remember when I was looking at the overall energy of the year, July was a peak of an energy spike. It was kind of like ultimate clarity about the twists and turns of the year so far. This is also eclipse season with two eclipses in the first part of July. An eclipse give us the opportunity to look at the shadow side of ourselves and our relationships. This doesn't mean bad, just what has been hidden, or we are in denial of, comes to light. There’s a mass consciousness shift happening that I am observing on a large scale in our society. People are releasing the need for more material things and embracing the experiences as a measure of success. The need to create, express, and become driven by passions is at an all-time high. July seems to be the high point of that arc. This means whatever you have still been holding onto that you think is keeping you safe will be challenged. It's time to let go and surrender deeper to your authentic self. Not everyone in your life will be resonating with you at this level. That is okay. They are not lesser or unawakened, just engaging in a different experience. Their soul path is leading them somewhere else. Again, it's about surrendering and letting go of expectation. Here is what the Fairies have to say:

July brings a bit of excitement. New ideas and new opportunities as well as lots of shifting and changes. When all is said and done, you will feel like the deck of your life was shuffled sufficiently. This may sound scary or exhausting, but it is not. All you need to do is show up and be present. The energies are working all around you. It will be clear what steps to take when. Just do them. Where the last six months have felt like swimming through murky water full of clutter, the next six are a fast stream flowing towards the sea. You just have to relax into the current. It doesn't mean calm waters, but rapids can be relaxing with the right mind set.

-The Fairies