
November Monthly Message

The Fairies’ message is all about perspective this month. I find the best way to keep a clear perspective is to focus on gratitude. I invited the fairy followers who subscribe to my weekly Fairy Guidance Newsletter (you can find out more about that here) to make a gratitude list and then make a list of an act to express gratitude for each thing on the list. My goal is to express gratitude each day of the month of November. When I am expressing gratitude, it shifts my perspective away from lack or self-serving acts to abundance and acts of service. I would love to encourage each of you to do the same. Here is what the Fairies have to say about November:

Are they fireworks or bombs exploding? Is it an earthquake or a gentle shifting into place? Is everything falling apart or is everything falling into place? It’s all about perspective this month. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Look for the treasures. Try to see the blessings in what feels challenging. It is like the Universe’s patience has worn thin and there is a push to move everything along. The truth is, it is all about Divine timing. Trust it is all happening how and when it should be happening. Open to the possibilities without getting bogged down in the details. On the world stage, the mass consciousness is shifting and there will be a lot of truth revealed. Things that have remained hidden will be seen. This can feel scary and make people feel unsure. It is important to know that, again, this is Divine timing. Trust the process of truth being revealed in your own life as well as on the world stage.

-The Fairies


I also want to give a quick update on the fundraiser for the woman’s shelter I did in October. We got halfway to our goal, but I was able to shift things around and add a little more money to create 24 Blessings bags! That’s just one short of our goal! Each Blessing bag will have either a Lacquer Strip or a Big fat Yummy Hand Cream in it, not both, but they will have all the other supplies. Thank You to all who donated! I will be dropping those off as soon as everything we have ordered arrives!