new year

New Year 2021 Message from The Fairies

I can't tell you how many times I have tried to write this blog. Or how many blogs I have written and not published this last year. 2020 has been a tough one. I still remember writing the new year blog and it feeling ominous. I did my best to bring a lightness to it, but it had me worried for the upcoming year. Needless to say, my sense of foreboding was on the mark, but was it a bad year?

2020 gave us the opportunities to see all that was under the surface, pull us out of our denial, and watch the dismantling of our social norms and structures that are outdated and haven't been working for some time now. Personally and globally, we experienced a revolution. So many people I know, as well as myself, had huge growth and perspective shifts. We finally stopped making excuses and created the boundaries we needed. We let go of the need to be busy or perfect or hustle or whatever was distracting us and instead focused on what we truly valued. We invested in the things and people and experiences that really mattered most to us. I think we are still in this process, and that leads me to the next year. First let me say, 2020 was a hard and intense year, but it was not necessarily bad.

2021, as it is being shown to me, is not a magic wand that wipes the slate clean. The big consciousness shift we have been in is tumbling down after it's crescendo. This means busting apart old ways of being and structures and setting new ones. That's a lot of what 2020 was, but there is still more to come. Mostly, the conflict will come from those that want to go back to the old ways of being. Those who want to “get back to normal.” Anyone who has had any kind of spiritual awakening can tell you, you can't go back. That's what is happening to Humanity. The mass consciousness is having a spiritual awakening.

If you have been through this, then you know it's not all bright light and fuzzy feelings. When you have a spiritual awakening, you have to face all your demons. You have to come out of your denial and look at all the ways you were toxic. You have to dismantle all the relationships and ways of being that were making you spiritually sick. So now, we have a mass consciousness doing this in many ways on a mass level, and it is chaotic and ugly and hard, but it will also be beautiful.

I will say, I believe 2020 was our “dark night of the soul” time and we are moving more into a revelation and action time. Enough of me and my interpretations, here is what the Fairies have to say:

Dear ones, you have been through so much and many of you are feeling lost or like giving up. The road ahead is not easy, but it is so fulfilling. What Elizabeth has said is true, but there is a positive she has forgotten. The energy has shifted and the flow is easier. What does this mean? Well, if you had a pool of water and you had a current flowing in one direction in a circle around the edge and you tried to walk against it, it would feel very hard. If you kept walking against the current and more people joined you, it would start feeling chaotic. It would splash and peak and have mini waves. Then eventually, if you all kept going, the current would reverse and follow you. This is what the energy on Earth has been like. 2021 is when it starts shifting from the chaos to the new direction. It will feel slow at first but have less resistance than before. Eventually, it will be carrying you along with it and you won't have to force your way anymore. Let what needs to fall away, fall away. Let what needs to be revealed still, be revealed. This year will still feel like work. It will not be smooth. But you have enough momentum going in the right direction that you can trust what you are building to eventually carry you.

Use this year wisely. It will still feel slow, especially the rest of winter and spring. It may not be till fall that you will feel like you are making any movement forward. Don't fight it. Rest when you need to. Go slowly and methodically. Take the time to make your plans, iron out your details, and make sure you are really ready before taking the next step. There is nothing to rush to. The world you thought would be doesn't exist. The new reality is still being created. Trying to rush there will just lead to disappointment and waiting. In which case, you will still have the time to rest and plan.

How do you plan for a new reality? You create it! We invite you to plan differently for 2021. Instead of your normal goals or resolutions, play a new game. What world are you wanting to create? List some of those aspects. What social norms do you want to get rid of? Write those down and burn them—the list, that is. Actively dismantle the ways you limit yourself and others. Dig in and find what fulfills you the most. It could be keeping your 9-5 to have the stability for your family and being able to spend time with them doing fun things. It might be doing a job that doesn't seem like much to others, or pay well, but doesn't fill your life with stress. It might be starting your dream business or following your art. It doesn't matter if it adds greatly to society or not. It does matter if it adds to your peace or not. Create, plan, actively pursue your peace, no matter what others have to say about it. You are the one living your life, not them.

We wish humanity great ease with this rebirth and bless each of you with clarity, peace, and the ability to see the truth in your heart and soul. We invite you to be brave and live your life pursuing joy and peace and have patience through this year. We promise you a magical end is in sight. The more you plan and steadily move through this year, the more magical 2022 will be for you.

Year 2020

There seems to be a battle on the internet. One side wanting to proclaim this year as massive change for the better after the last few years (which given the astrological omens, it seems true) and the other side pointing to the last few years and how we thought they were going to be change for the better and they felt like we were drug behind a pick-up truck. I can understand both sides. I think we need to shift our perspective. The last few years have been amazing! It has felt amazingly devastating at times. It has felt scary. Mostly, I think people hear big change for the better and they have an expected result in their head. They think they know what it should look like or how it should feel. Then when it doesn't line up that way, they think they have been tricked, lied to, or failed.

In the last few years, we have seen people around the globe communicating more and learning from each other. We have seen people paying attention to politics and where corporate money is going and the effects of the businesses they support and the products they use. We have seen larger acceptance and progress across the globe. Massive change for the better is happening and has been happening—it's just not pretty and easy. It means both personally and globally, we have to face these ugly truths in our lives and make new choices. I see more empowerment in Humanity right now than ever before. That is something to celebrate. So yes, the massive change for the better will continue and it will build momentum and bring ideas to the surface we never thought of before.

What I see for this coming year is more grace in the changes. Also Humanity's ability to roll with the changes easier. We had to break up those stiff ways of being so this year things could change gently without the push. Our ability to accept and adjust without being victimized is at an all new level collectively. Here is what The Fairies have to say:

Buckle up kids, this is a wild ride. We see 2020 as a breakthrough year for Humanity's evolution. Not one Human will be able to look back at the end of year and think not much changed for them. Humanity as a whole is at a crossroads. Everyone will have to make a choice, actually multiple choices, this year that will change their life. Most of you reading have already been making those choices and are about to start seeing physical results from it, but this too will lead to more choices. Humanity is stepping up to do their part of co-creation, being conscious of their choices and how it effects the larger whole. Making choices that lead to greater experiences in the future rather than immediate gratification. Finding balance between mind, body, and spirit. If you make peace, your main focus and reason for your choices you will move through this year with grace.

January has the energy of shock. It is like Humanity walked into a room and is finally seeing clearly what it has not wanted to look at. Don't try to explain away or write off what you see. Acceptance and clarity are key for making the best plans in January. You may have a tendency to dress up people or situations in a costume that you like or is more comfortable. January is the month to rip those costumes off and see the truth underneath. Give yourself the space to accept, grieve, and come out of the shock. Then use this information to make the most empowered and best choices for you.

Winter to spring, or summer to fall for some, will be the set-up, the planting of seeds, and the beginning of sprouts you have been waiting a long time to see. Don't believe anything is 100% set in stone, but also trust all the possibilities. Once you hit the end of March, the plants that are going to bear fruit will be obvious. You will have a clear direction. The work will still need to be done, but you will be able to move forward in confidence.

By summer, winter for some, you will be on a new playing field. This will be the next big change. You will realize that you can't move forward the way you have been because it just doesn't work anymore. It will take you all of summer to find your way, but the work will be fun. This leads to the end of the year. It actually will be spent preparing for the next year's level. 2021 will be a new level that Humanity can sit at for a bit. 2020 is the climb up the ladder to get there.

-The Fairies

2019 New Year Message from The Fairies

I have spent a lot of time the last week doing 12 month oracle readings for people (if you want to find out how to get your personalized reading, click here), and I noticed some re-occurring patterns of energy for 2019. I thought I should get the Fairies’ take on it, but I wanted to share how I was seeing the energy flow first. January is a tying up of 2018 and/or a preview for 2019. Some are experiencing one or the other and some are experiencing both. Pay attention and tie up those loose ends. Whatever issues come up will be probably a cycle for the year for you. April is when the energy gets turned on full blast. This is a turning point, a time when things really manifest in the physical, you get clarity, and/or you start the big journey of the year. The energy heats up in July and August. By October, it mellows again and has a bit of a magical sparkle to it. Things flow a little easier. The end of the year is kind of a bang, but not as intense as April. More like a completion and/or greater clarity. I personally find that knowing the energy flow helps me navigate the ups and downs of my personal life. I hope it helps you also. Here is what the Fairies have to say about 2019:

This year will be an opening of the eyes. The chaos of the last two years will start to make sense. Spend January releasing and grieving. Grieve the end of your victim-hood. Grieve the end of your old way of being. Grieve the relationships you had to let go of and the fantasy you had about the future. 2019 has no room for these.

This year is about tending to the garden and then harvesting. This is a year of action and less struggle. You planted the seeds and now the sprouts are emerging from the dark. You will need patience because the harvest doesn't really come till the end of the year. You have been energetically pushing against a heavy cloud for the last couple years. That cloud lifts in the spring and you start to feel the ease. Especially if you did the inner work in 2018. You will have things magically coming together. You will still be working hard in 2019, but it will produce more results than before.

Again, the word for the year is action. You must take action on your dreams and goals. The Universe will bring forward more manifestations for you. Amazing breakthroughs that you never even dreamed possible will happen. Stay open to the possibilities while you stay present.

Approach this year with curiosity. You may have goals and ideas about where you are headed but you will be surprised at how this expands your awareness and your knowing of self. Last year was about inner expansion. Clearing out the old within to be more centered. This year is about expanding that knowing into the physical world and expanding your perception as well as the perception of you.

Open your eyes.

Take action.

~ The Fairies