We are in a slow moving and heavy energy. For instance, I have been trying to write this blog and get it out for over a week now. The message I keep receiving for myself and others is to wait till November. Your motivation will return. This heavy energy we are trying to push forward will be lifted and you will stop experiencing the little set backs. Mars and Mercury both right themselves from retrograde in the beginning of November. Also, the voting portion of the election in the US will be over and people will let go collectively. I’m actually not sure why, but in November the energy starts to flow a little easier again. We are currently experiencing a shift, and a death portal, that will last till the winter solstice. So much change. So many endings. That also makes the energy heavy. So stop pressuring yourself to do more. Stop being angry at the set backs. The little and big trip ups are there to help you slow down and feel. There are a lot of trip ups both figuratively and literally happening. I know 6 people who have injured or broken their foot or ankle in the month of October. People are sick or have computers break, power outages, or lots of other ways the universe is telling us to stop.
I have read a lot about this being a ripe time and how people need to set their intentions. Intentions are always good but I actually disagree a bit with this right now. We have become a society obsessed with the hustle. People stay busy to not feel Or because their self worth is so connected to achieving something. We have forgotten how to just be. We have forgotten how to surrender to what is and find acceptance and peace. We have forgotten the power in being still.
The power of prayer and meditation is not about gaining rewards from the Divine. They are practices to help the mind and body be still so they can align with the soul/spirit. They are about finding peace in your breath. They are about knowing no matter what, you are connected to the Divine in this very moment. You can let go of the struggle and know peace.
I personally get frustrated, pre-Covid but especially now, with how much the new age community and most spiritual communities, focus on helping you attain something you think you lack, instead of finding peace in who you are. We collectively need to stop chasing some perfect relationship, bank account, body, or fill in whatever you believe is lacking. We need to stop chasing happiness and instead celebrate joy and peace in all the places we can find it.
Obviously I have a US perspective, but I mean this for the whole world, this time we are in is pivotal and honestly there is nothing you can do to change it or shift. It’s happening and we just need to ride it.
We are in the break down of many systems. So many of them are taking their last dying breath. It’s not the time to know the next step or the next solution. It’s just time to wait. Let the transition take its natural course so you can make plans on the other side.
Here is what the Fairies have to say:
We understand that so many of you are scared. You don’t understand the changes taking place and it seems like your life is falling apart. It is. All of this is necessary. It may not be fun. It may not be easy. Some of you feel safe and blessed but fear for those around you. This means you have released the things that were needing to go. Just rest now. If you are really struggling physically, or emotionally, or financially, ask yourself what fear keeps you from trust. The struggle is the place where you still want control of your experience. In surrender and acceptance you find the way forward. You also need to rest now and find the strength to lay your burden down. God/the Universe/the One has so much love to bless you with, open to the guidance. Ask us for help, for signs. We will bring them. Choose to rest and let us do some magic in your life. Your brain doesn’t need to figure out how, it just needs to be clear to see the miracle.
The Fairies