I have a bone to pick with the new age community. It's the blame, shame, and judgment that they often place on victims and chronically ill people. Do I believe in miracles? Absolutely. I have experienced first-hand legit miracles. Do I think you are somehow wrong if you don't receive a miracle? No. Do I believe we create our realities? I believe we CO-create our realities, meaning we have great influence but there is more at hand than just our ego-conscious self. Do I believe anything is possible? Yes, but just because it is possible doesn't mean it will for sure happen. I believe everything, including the opposite of whatever I believe can happen, can happen. Let me break this down for you, but first I need you to step out of your black and white thinking and open to the paradox of life.
Let's start with miracles. I have legit seen, experienced, and have been a conduit for miracles. One of many examples was my mom fell, had a brain bleed, and after the doc took half a cup of blood off her brain, they put her in a drug-induced coma. The doctors told us they weren't sure what would happen, if she would make it, or if she did wake up, how long before she could talk or use her arms again. So I went to work. I pulled out every crystal we had, called in every energy worker I knew, held prayer circles, and did energy work on her all night. It was not the first nor the last sleepless night I had in a hospital. The next day, my mom opened her eyes and was confused as to why she was incubated and tied down. Within in 48 hours, she had her motor skills completely back to where they were. Every doctor involved told her she was a miracle. It's a beautiful story, but the other part of it is my mother is still partially blind, has to use a wheel chair, and is on dialysis. The fall and the healing were only one part of her journey. So, why one miraculous healing and not the rest? I don't know. The real truth is that none of us do. Every healer I know who has experienced true miracles also knows it doesn't always work. We don't know why. It's co-creation. Our place is to create an opportunity for healing, it may work like the five people who I have cured of migraines. It might not, like me, who still suffers from migraines. If it was a science, it wouldn't be a miracle.
So if you don't get the miracle you want then you are still magical. Do not let anyone tell you that you are too wounded, don't have enough faith, are being punished, haven't learned your lesson, or have too many toxins and that is why you are not miraculously healing. Humans like control, which is why many grab on to the create-your-own-reality idea as they get to control their reality. They also want to be safe, which is why if someone is experiencing trauma, ill health, or some other bad experience, they want to be able to label it as something they can control and they will not suffer the same fate. It's kind of like how people often think all homeless people got there because they are crazy, lazy, or on drugs, so that way they will never be homeless. To quote a favorite healer of mine: “God has a million ways to kill you.” Safety is an illusion. So please, stop judging others’ dark times as somehow manifested from their wounds, or diet, or being too close to a cell phone or whatever. Yes, we have to look at our side of the street and do what we can to heal the past and wounds so that we can experience life better. If you do those things, it doesn't mean your life will be pain free.
I totally believe you can work on your traumas and issues and better your life. I think doing these things can have miraculous physical or emotional healing. I think that when you work on these things, it shifts your perspective and makes you react differently in the world, which changes your reality. I believe you can manifest good and bad things into your life by words, thoughts, and actions. I also have seen people still deep in working on their wounding have really great things happen. Life is not a reward and punishment system. This is a Christian/Judea perspective and if you really want to understand karma, stop saying it is a bitch. It's not. Karma is the idea that what you put out in the world grows and can come back to you. It is the idea that your actions build your path, but it has no judgment about that path. If someone makes chocolate but you don't like chocolate, are they bad and wrong? I want a caramel path and this is chocolate! It's just preference. Our preference isn't the only correct way of being.
So please stop judging yourself and others as wrong or still too wounded or toxic because it is not your preference. Stop thinking that there is one path to pain and one path to joy because honestly, they are both a part of the Human experience we came here for, and acceptance is how you keep moving forward. Make the boundaries that make you feel most joyful and fulfilled and keep trudging forward.