The month of love that is both loved and hated. Romantic love is great, but there are so many love relationships to celebrate and explore. You have love for your family and friends, but most importantly yourself! I often talk about self-love in February because I think it is so crucial to a spiritual path. So I want to talk a minute about motivation before I get to the Fairy Message.
I invite you to explore the why behind your current self-help journey. Do you feel like you are broken or need to be fixed? There is no such thing as a perfect person. If you have faults, then you are human. Are you trying to better yourself to prove something to other people? I know people who get physically fit to spite their ex. They achieve something to prove to their parents they were right. They want to show their old classmates that they are a big shot now. Chasing the approval of those who have already rejected you will never bring you peace. There is a lot of talk about chasing status or money being an empty path, which it can be, but I think this is worse. In all situations, whether you are chasing money or want to show your ex your hot bod, you are giving your power away. You are saying I am not enough without this.
So instead, pick your motivation. Are you shifting your diet or exercising for other people's opinions or so you can feel good in your body? Focus on what you want to do with your body and why you want that strength. For money, focus on why you want it. If you are trying to fill a hole or feel powerful, then shift your perspective. Instead, focus on all the good you can do with that money. See yourself as part of the flow of money, knowing it comes and goes easily. Instead of focusing on status, focus on building relationships with people you know and those you meet. Be of service! I hope this helps shifts your perspective and moves you in the direction of loving yourself more! Here is the Fairy’s Message:
We want to talk about the paradox of self-love and success. Elizabeth talked about wanting to prove to others and that being motivation, but we want to address the push to that pull—hiding. Many of you push to be seen and then hide when you get attention. You start building big and then shrink when others become uncomfortable. It is the other part of needing approval. You try to make others comfortable, hoping that will help your chances of approval. This is giving your power away. It is time to shine and be who you authentically are without fear of being alone. Love yourself enough to want to be alone.
Where your focus and energy go, you create. So you don't want to create a fake you with fake relationships and fake ways of being. You will never feel fulfilled or be at peace if you spend your energy trying to control or manipulate your experience. Allow yourself to be you and others to be themselves. Those that fall away are just not your people. The ones you make uncomfortable or reject you are not your tribe. Let them go. Make space for your people. They will come as soon as you start being yourself.
Love is not about making the other person anything. Love is about celebrating who you are, who they are, and who you are together. Loving yourself requires you accepting yourself and celebrating who you are in this moment. Make time this month to celebrate you.
The Fairies