Messages from the Fairies

March 2019 Message from The Faries

Today I continue the Monthly messages from The Fairies. You can read last month's here if you like. I went back and read it tonight and was amazed at how much it summed up my February perfectly. This makes me a little worried about March. Buckle up your seat belts and hold on to your magic. This rollercoaster is about to take off. If you did the hard stuff in February, then this will have lots of excitement. If you have been running from the change, you will be cornered and have to face it. Here is what the fairies have to say:

March can be a mischievous trickster. It will have you twisting and turning through a maze of experiences, but it is actually releasing you from old programming which you have been trapped in. Do not react, but instead let it unfold. What may seem devastating at one moment will be your greatest gift. There will be a lot of transition Universally on the Earth plane. Deaths, births, shifts in power, and unexpected events. These will come from a place of Truth being revealed and layers being released. You will experience grief and relief. You will experience confusion and joy. The sun will be shining down on humanity and illuminating all that has been in secret, hiding, and shrouded by pain or denial. Keep pulling back the veil to see the truth that lives in your heart. By the end of the month, you may be dizzy from the twist and turns and need to just stop and take in your new surroundings. Please know, whatever you release, or whatever falls away, no longer serves you or your path. Your destiny is waiting.

-The Fairies

February Message from the Fairies

Well January was a real shit show! I personally went through some hard times, as well as about every person I spoke with. When I looked back on the new year message from The Fairies, I realized that they had snuck in a message about January by itself. They said it was a month for grieving (did lots of that), finishing up energy from 2018 (check), and looking at what we wanted to bring into the physical for 2019 (did that, too). For me, I felt January was about clarity. Clarity about myself, relationships, and what I was willing to put the effort into or not. The funny thing is all that clarity made me feel even more lost. We can cling to our old ideas, stories, and limitations so strong that we can't see the other side some times. That's okay. I've been hearing about February energy being easier. I think it will be, but it will also depend on you. Have you created the boundaries to support yourself? Are you willing to do the scary things and step out of your comfortable reality that isn't working anymore? The answers to those questions will dictate how much you can flow with the energy. It is more gentle and flowing but if you are trying to swim upstream, it will feel hard. Here is what the Fairies had to say about February 2019:

Humanity likes to connect this month with love, which is perfect for this year. You will open your heart and experience deep love, especially for yourself. It is time to stop wearing the costume of other's opinions and stories about you. It is time to return the hurt you have been carrying for someone else thinking it was your own. It is time to forgive the pain you experienced, which is just an echo of pain from the past of those you think hurt you. When you Humans talk about self-love and self-care, you hear a lot about boundaries and saying no. These are good things, but that is just reacting to others. It is time to stop reacting to others feelings and actions and instead deeply love yourself no matter what. It doesn't matter if someone else has found value in you, you need to value your life energy. It doesn't matter if others like you, respect you, or judge you. You need to respect yourself and stop judging every little thing you do. Your power comes from self-love. Stop trying to be right for everyone else around you. Instead, feel that you are alright, right now. No one can take that away from you. You can only give that away. Love the Divine being that is you so you can overflow with it and then share it with the world. Be love. Build that fire in your belly because it’s about time you let it fuel you and move you forward.

The Fairies

2019 New Year Message from The Fairies

I have spent a lot of time the last week doing 12 month oracle readings for people (if you want to find out how to get your personalized reading, click here), and I noticed some re-occurring patterns of energy for 2019. I thought I should get the Fairies’ take on it, but I wanted to share how I was seeing the energy flow first. January is a tying up of 2018 and/or a preview for 2019. Some are experiencing one or the other and some are experiencing both. Pay attention and tie up those loose ends. Whatever issues come up will be probably a cycle for the year for you. April is when the energy gets turned on full blast. This is a turning point, a time when things really manifest in the physical, you get clarity, and/or you start the big journey of the year. The energy heats up in July and August. By October, it mellows again and has a bit of a magical sparkle to it. Things flow a little easier. The end of the year is kind of a bang, but not as intense as April. More like a completion and/or greater clarity. I personally find that knowing the energy flow helps me navigate the ups and downs of my personal life. I hope it helps you also. Here is what the Fairies have to say about 2019:

This year will be an opening of the eyes. The chaos of the last two years will start to make sense. Spend January releasing and grieving. Grieve the end of your victim-hood. Grieve the end of your old way of being. Grieve the relationships you had to let go of and the fantasy you had about the future. 2019 has no room for these.

This year is about tending to the garden and then harvesting. This is a year of action and less struggle. You planted the seeds and now the sprouts are emerging from the dark. You will need patience because the harvest doesn't really come till the end of the year. You have been energetically pushing against a heavy cloud for the last couple years. That cloud lifts in the spring and you start to feel the ease. Especially if you did the inner work in 2018. You will have things magically coming together. You will still be working hard in 2019, but it will produce more results than before.

Again, the word for the year is action. You must take action on your dreams and goals. The Universe will bring forward more manifestations for you. Amazing breakthroughs that you never even dreamed possible will happen. Stay open to the possibilities while you stay present.

Approach this year with curiosity. You may have goals and ideas about where you are headed but you will be surprised at how this expands your awareness and your knowing of self. Last year was about inner expansion. Clearing out the old within to be more centered. This year is about expanding that knowing into the physical world and expanding your perception as well as the perception of you.

Open your eyes.

Take action.

~ The Fairies

Solstice Message from the Fairies

The Fairies came forward in ritual tonight and wanted me to share a message on the solstice.

We Fairies have watched Humanity struggle in their paradox this year. Your reality is one of contrasting opposites, yet you seek one truth. You have opposing ideas and beliefs, yet you wish to unite and love each other as one people. It can be difficult to long for the connection of others while also trying to not lose yourself. Your internal conflict manifests as outward conflict. Both are being sorted out. This year you were brought a lot of clarity. Now that you know who you are and what you want to create, it is time to create it. Stop looking for the perfect time, scenario, or person to make it happen. You need to decide in your heart it is time and do what appears in front of you. Stop giving your power away to intangible circumstances. We are putting this call out for those who are ready to hear it. The time is now!

We are ready to aid in co-creating the new reality of Humanity. It is up to you to show up and do your part. Today is the least light in a day, but it is when the light grows brighter every day from now on. This is very symbolic for your Earth right now. Humanity has come through what many would describe as a very dark time, but it has hit its peak. Now you will start to have more light each day. That light comes from all of you who are reading this. The dark and light have no meaning unless they are witnessed. You must now turn your face to the light and focus. You must shine your light and witness it in the world.

Do you BELIEVE? That is what is important. You do not have to believe in us. You need to believe in yourself. You need to believe your reality has shifted and is ready for you, to support you, and to become something more peaceful and fun. Actively seek out what is peaceful and fun. That feeds your soul, opens you to the flow, and creates more peace and fun in your reality. Call on us. We are here to help.”

The Fairy Council


In the US, we are celebrating Thanksgiving this week. When we talk about gratitude and giving thanks, the focus is often on appreciating what we have. People say things like, “I know I should be grateful for what I have, so many have less,” as if this is a limiting belief to stop your dreaming. Gratitude should not come from a place of martyrdom or low self-worth. Gratitude is giving thanks for what we have so we can open up to more. Gratitude is saying thank you and opening ourselves to allowing more to blessing to come. If you are only grateful because other people are homeless or other people are sick or other people have less, then you are not being grateful. Gratitude is not a comparison. Gratitude is a celebration of what you have. You should feel so abundant that you share with those around you. When you see lack, it is not to compare your life with theirs, but to see where you can help fill a void.

Likewise, don't view others’ good fortune from a place of lack. Instead of feeling envious, you should celebrate others’ accomplishments. If they did something, so can you. When you witness good fortune, goals are met, or something powerful is created, it is brought into your awareness as a possibility. Before, you didn't know how to connect with that thought or feeling. Once you know someone that has done something, you can recreate it in your own life.

Here is what the Fairies have to say about gratitude:

“2018 is the year for seed planting. Gratitude is how you feed those plants. We have told you about the energetic wave or arc that you are currently riding. Yes, you are still in some of the chaos, but it has also been a foundation year. All of Humanity has started setting up their new way of being. All of Humanity has planted the seeds of the reality they are creating. When you truly connect with gratitude, you harmonize with the feeling of limitless possibility. You know the Universe is supplying you with all the support and resources you need. When it doesn't look that way, you might need to shift your perspective. We know there are humans truly struggling in poverty, homelessness, and hunger. We know there are many being displaced by natural disasters or who have lost all their material possessions. We do not want to negate Human suffering. We want you to see that gratitude is an energy that all can connect with. Gratitude, and that limitless feeling, is not about Earthly success or material possessions. Gratitude is about the miracle of your life and the magic that lives in you. Stop worrying about being enough to receive and instead love the fact that every cell in your body knows exactly what to do to keep you alive. Stop over thinking the experiences in your life and instead love your brain and its powerful perception of everything around you. Stop wondering what you deserve or if you have worked hard enough and instead love yourself. Love yourself for being alive. Love yourself for making it this far. Have gratitude for yourself and every challenge you have faced and every obstacle you have overcome.”


Message to Humanity from The Fairies

I have shared this many times over the years. I feel it is fitting to be the first Blog post on the new site.

 “The energy of who you are, is not limited by the forms it takes. It is still all a part of the One. The human form that you are taking is the best way to get to the pure form. Humans have this thought process that somehow they are less than other Beings, say us (fairies) or the dragons, because they are more dense, because they aren’t as aligned with the God energy all the time. The truth is that the beings who have chosen to be Fairy, to be Angelic, to be Dragon, to be Ascended Master, whatever, and hold that form, they now are just that energy. A very pure state of it, but they can not pull from the other energies.

A Fairy can not channel through Angelic energy. It is just not possible for us, because we have chosen a certain vibration, a certain fluid way of being. So, in our fluidity, in our vibrational energy pattern being raised, however you want to look at it, we have lost that ability. You need to be more dense in order to open to the lighter side. Air can not hold water the way that a cup can. So, though you are denser, more structured in your way of being in your earth plane, it is also that structuring that has allowed you the ability to pull forward many energies, many ways of being and embody them and bring them to the earth plane.

Why do you think all of us treasure humanity so? Humanity it is the place that all the energies blend back together. It is like it starts at the One and gets spread out in a spectrum through all these different avenues. And it is through humanity that it can pull those energies back together to the One again, the other side of the spectrum. There is a way to become so light, so open, that you lose the individuality and become part of the One. There is a way to get so focused that all the individualities get brought together into one Individuality, and to the One.

That is why it is so important for us that humanity continues to open. We can work with the Angels, but we can not combine our energy with their energy unless there is a human there to do it. We can work with the Dragons, but we can not combine our energy with them unless there is a human to do it.

It is a great honor to be human. Stop trying to be something else. Humanity has too many judgments about itself. It needs to love itself. Humanity is a very honorable thing. A human being is a very honorable thing to be. Yes, you have the dark side. You have the polarity, the duality. But that is what helps anchor you. That is what helps keep the denser part of you which is what really allows you to open and bring all of these energies together, to the cup that holds the etheric waters.

It is the human form that is able to blend all the energies together and pull them forward. It is not about people wanting to be more Fairy. It isn’t about understanding our Realm and who we are and trying to go there. It is for humanity to understand who they are and their important part in this expanded universe of the many realms and the many beings.

It is wonderful to be a human at this time. There are some amazing things going on. As a human you get to experience all of them! All the great work being done by all the beings all around you! You are sitting at the spiritual buffet of life!

It is time for humanity to get it! Why all the beings say they love them so much. Why we talk about how important it is for them to keep moving forward. Why they have been chosen to be these wonderful beings called human.

It is not some lowly form. It gives the filters, the ability to see the beauty of everything and to pull from many places, many energies and experience them. Watching humanity sometimes is like watching the great master violin player walk around in beggar’s clothing. Not playing a violin. Not sharing its gifts with the world. Not taking care and honoring the talent that lays there.

We offer you the violin. Play it! Bring all your talent forward to the earth and see what an amazing talented being you are by just naturally being you, this highly evolved being called human.”

-The Fairies