Today I continue the Monthly messages from The Fairies. You can read last month's here if you like. I went back and read it tonight and was amazed at how much it summed up my February perfectly. This makes me a little worried about March. Buckle up your seat belts and hold on to your magic. This rollercoaster is about to take off. If you did the hard stuff in February, then this will have lots of excitement. If you have been running from the change, you will be cornered and have to face it. Here is what the fairies have to say:
March can be a mischievous trickster. It will have you twisting and turning through a maze of experiences, but it is actually releasing you from old programming which you have been trapped in. Do not react, but instead let it unfold. What may seem devastating at one moment will be your greatest gift. There will be a lot of transition Universally on the Earth plane. Deaths, births, shifts in power, and unexpected events. These will come from a place of Truth being revealed and layers being released. You will experience grief and relief. You will experience confusion and joy. The sun will be shining down on humanity and illuminating all that has been in secret, hiding, and shrouded by pain or denial. Keep pulling back the veil to see the truth that lives in your heart. By the end of the month, you may be dizzy from the twist and turns and need to just stop and take in your new surroundings. Please know, whatever you release, or whatever falls away, no longer serves you or your path. Your destiny is waiting.
-The Fairies