
Faith and Fear

Fear is the opposite of faith. You cannot be in fear and faith at the same time. Fear is taking ownership and control while faith is surrender. Fear tells you that you have to do something or not do something to keep yourself safe. Faith is knowing that safety is an illusion created to appease our ego-self that it has some sense of control. I know people who are very poor and people who are financially stable and both can be as afraid of homelessness as the other. Neither has safety, though they are trying to create it. Our minds are always looking for what will keep us safe. What choice is the right choice? The “safe” choice can even be a self-destructive one. That's because what is known and familiar feels safe. Even when this is actually abusive or hurtful.

So if safety is an illusion, then we must make the right choices to be good people, right? Good people is the goal? I would say no to this also. Kindness is often my goal, but what I see as kind might not seem kind to another person. Good, kind, safe, and stable are all subjective. Each can be defined many different ways depending on the person defining it. When we want to be good and kind or we strive for perfection, this is still an act of ego. Ego is not a bad thing, nor is striving to be good and kind. Just don't confuse that with your purpose or let it hold you back in life.

I have often found there are two kinds of scary in my life. There are the things, people, and situations that scare me out of self-preservation; they are harmful in some way. These can just be a gut feeling of danger and I steer clear. Example: I'm not about to jump in front of a bus. That fear protects me and has its purpose. Then there is the fear of the unknown, the fear of making a change by doing something different. My toes and feet get tingly whenever I'm about to take that risk. There are times I freeze up and get stopped in my tracks. It's when I get in alignment with faith that I can move forward.

For me, faith is trusting in a high knowing, that I'm walking a path that might at times be painful and feel hard, but it's exactly what my soul needs for its evolution. That I am Divine and the Divine is experiencing me, too. The fact that we are all The One and, no matter what, that never stops, and trusting all that energy is always shifting towards love, even when I act out in my dysfunction or try to sabotage myself or feel pain or try to hurt myself. Every moment, I am Divine, and so is everyone else. When we live in that acceptance, it allows us to be present with ourselves and surroundings and clearly see the guidance forward. It's an act of stepping out of judgment and into experiencing, being, and feeling. That is when wisdom and clarity comes. This is a dance and I only know a few that can maintain that way of being. I'm not one of them, but I do know I can choose it at any moment, and that gives me hope.