May Monthly Message

I have been getting a monthly message from the Fairies about the overall energy that we have to work with for the month. You can read April's here. April was a turning point. Many found direction and/or started taking baby steps forward. Some got clarity and became willing to take direction about where they are going. So what does this mean for May? There will be further clearing of the path. You have the seeds of where you are going, but not the clarity of what you are creating. May brings the opportunities to see the vision clearly, stability in your path, and wisdom about the right steps and the right people to support you and move you forward. Here is what the Fairies have to say:

April showers bring May flowers, we hear Humans say. It is very true for this year. April may have been full of tears, facing pain, foreboding news, or mass change. All of these could by represented by storm clouds. You can perceive this as gloomy or you can see the positives to rain. It cleanses and clears everything it touches. Rain replenishes and soaks what has been stale. Rain is when the clouds take so much on they can no longer carry and they hit their breaking point. Rain is break through and surrender.

So what comes after the rain? Rainbows and flowers? Maybe. For some of you, it was the last bit needed to clear the path and move you forward. May will be gentle for those that are in this space. It may even feel a little stagnant or slow moving, but trust Divine timing. It can be a good month to plan fun things and find your joy. Like picking flowers, choose what looks the most beautiful to you.

For others, May is going to be the sun bursting through and a few more lessons to clear the path. May will not have the same intensity as April, but it has similar energies to manage. The more you can release any denial, or open to seeing what really is your reality now, the easier it will be to see what you’re moving towards.

Either way, May brings growth that you can see manifest in your physical reality. It is no longer the seed in the Earth trying to break the surface. This growth is about feeling. Trusting those feelings and trusting that those feelings will lead you to your truth. Seek the sunny warmth of joy, but don't pretend it's somewhere it's not. Open to releasing the pain and sorrow, but don't wallow thinking it is all you deserve. Allow your feelings to flow and bring you wisdom and intuitive insight. Find peace in your ever-changing inner landscape.

- The Fairies