So why don't I think there are bad Fairies? Well, first is I don't believe that beings and living things are inherently bad or evil. We have learned that most people who we might label as evil have had emotional trauma and/or severe psychological problems. These are pretty uniquely human traits. I do not believe there is a battle of good and evil inside humans or in nature. These concepts are human constructs.
Then we move into the oral tradition. Fairies have existed all over the globe in every culture before written history. All of us have ancestors that connected with Fairies. Then we have the injection of Christianity that tells people that the thing that happened was a trick. These beings are ruled by the devil and here to trick humanity. So the stories that were being told change. The perspective shifts. Much like how the medicine woman that was birthing babies and healing the sick became the witch who was hexing and tricking the tribe, Fairies morph from beings who share space and work with us to beings who have menace in mind. Nature has become something to conquer rather than to live in as part of an ecosystem, and we become more detached from the animals, plants, and beings of nature. This shifts our perspective to how we must defend against nature rather than being at peace with its cycles. Soon, we are no longer a part of nature and see ourselves as separate from it.
I am not saying that a Fairy has never caused harm. Much like all forces of nature—be they earthquakes, wind, or random pests—we can experience harm if we are not careful with our interactions. Not all Fairies are interested in helping Humanity. They have focuses for their energy. Also, accidents happen. I have accidentally smacked a friend when trying to open a stubborn chip bag. My point is that these acts—be it accidental, setting a boundary, or bringing balance to a situation—are not an attack with the intention to cause harm to Humans.
There is also miscommunication, especially back a thousand years ago. Can you imagine trying to talk to someone from 1023? Language is not the same. How they perceived the world is very different. Now imagine you are a magical being from another realm trying to communicate with them to help both realms evolve.
There is also miscommunication, especially back a thousand years ago. Can you imagine trying to talk to someone from 1023? Language is not the same. How they perceived the world is very different. Now imagine you are a magical being from another realm trying to communicate with them to help both realms evolve. The fact that any communication happened is amazing! It is easy to see how a Fairy having an experience with a human could think they were being clear and the human thinking they are speaking in riddles.
Colonization and Capitalism benefits from people being separated from each other and nature, and colors the perspective of our society to see nature as dangerous. All of these things have changed our perspective on Fairies and shifted how we interact with them. Just being aware of how our perspective has been colored and having a willingness to question it starts to open your mind for a different experience. I have a lot more information on how to connect and build a relationship with the Fairies coming. I wanted to start here because this mindset has to be dismantled before you can attempt to build a healthy relationship with them. I hope this has helped shift your perspective some.