April 2019 Fairy Message

I am continuing the Monthly Energy Messages with April. It is short and sweet because it is all about trust this month. Being real about who you can or cannot trust. Being willing to trust The One. Being willing to accept that your dreams could come true, and also question if they are what you want. When I did year-long readings for people, it seemed like April was going to be a great month, or at least a turning point, for many. Here's what The Fairies have to say:

Be the Fool! Naiveté does not make you stupid. Do not be so wise that you miss the opportunities because you think you know better. Your overthinking, over analyzing brain has you convinced you know all the options and see all the paths forward. April reveals a path you never thought possible or you couldn't even imagine. When you see it, do not hesitate. You may feel unworthy, or not trusting, or think it is a trick. Stay open, be the fool, and follow the guidance you are receiving. This all leads you to an amazing experience and it expands your consciousness again. God/Source/The One/Universe is carrying you forward. Allow yourself to be carried. There is no need to struggle. You can thumb wrestle The One all you want, but it won't stop the path; it will just make you more tired when you arrive. Let April bring you adventure of the best and most rewarding kind.”

-The Fairies